Why TRI?!?!

healthy lifestyle mindset Oct 06, 2014

Why TRI??


Whether or not to do this years Fingerlakes Triathlon was something I wrestled with for MONTHS.  I really really reallydid not want to do it.


Three years ago TallTrainer put together relay teams for the Triathlon.  I was due for Anna close to that time so it wasn’t wise for me to participate (born less than 2-weeks before).  But I was insanely jealous of everyone that was doing it.  You all made it look so fun!  Well, the next year rolled around and I thought I would give it a try.  In my mind I had one huge hurdle to overcome.  I had never ridden a road bike in my life.  I grew up with dirt roads mountain biking.  In college I had a close friend killed on a road bike so I never really wanted to get into it.   I decided it was time to face my fear and give road biking a chance, I mean it is just like riding a bike?!?  I could do that. HA!


I was able to get a nice road bike used.  I...

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Why is corn in my apple sauce?

Why is there CORN in my apple sauce?


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We usually look at labels before we buy something but sometimes something sneaks in.  This is one of those times.  The logic of it doesn't even make sense.  Who would want to buy apple sauce with corn in it?  Why would you ever put corn in apple sauce?


High Fructose Corn Syrup AND Corn Syrup BOTH made it into this apple sauce. 

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Just a quick reminder to read the labels and most importantly the ingredients list.  Sarah makes apple sauce in the fall (so we can enjoy untampered fruit in the winter).  This year we already ate through it.  (the additional apple sauce guzzling monster known as Anna Grace has hit our supply hard).  We bought this while out and I'm too cheap not to finish it, but we'll be avoiding this brand in the future. 

Things to watchout for on a label:

  • Partially Hydrogenated Oil = trans fat
  • Mono, Di, or Triglycerides = trans fat
  • Fructose, Sucrose,...
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My biggest fear...

healthy lifestyle mindset May 22, 2014



It’s tough to find the truly biggest fear since I don’t spend much of my time trying to figure out everything I’m afraid of.  I know this is WAY up there on the fear scale.  It’s not snakes, public speaking, or cancer though all three can be very scary.


This fear came to mind as we (Tall Trainer Fitness) were selected for an award.


Screenshot 2014 05 22 05.45.29 198x300 My BIGGEST FEAR...

We won best service business in Canandaigua for 2014!  It is quite an honor considering all the great businesses that are in Canandaigua and the previous winners of this award!  I am humbled and thankful.  My initial reaction was one of gratitude and thankful that the work we do is noticed in the community.  I often feel like there is so much more we could do.  I have to hold back a little so I don’t give myself a nervous breakdown trying to do all the good I can imagine doing.  That’s when I had the thought, “Gee, if we win a...

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On the other side of "NO" there is Joy!

On the other side of “NO” there is Joy!


Fighting Temptations – Psychologically

pre rapture party On the other side of NO there is Joy!

“On the other side of No is JOY!” – Pastor Bill Bambach


Our temptations whether they be food, sex, alcohol, gambling, work, and other good things used wrong all lie to us.  They tell us do _______________ because it will make you happy.  It’s exciting.  Tasty.  Fulfilling.  And for a few brief moments they are.  We indulge in our temptation and get our fill/fix.  Then what?….


Well if you are like me then a feeling of regret takes the place of the all too brief enjoyment.   I’ve had this happen to me simply watching television.  It promised me a break from my stressed and busy mind.  “I’ll just watch a little.”  Is what I tell myself.  “I’ve worked hard I DESERVE a mental break.”  Hours later when I finally muster the willpower...

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Happy Halloween!

healthy lifestyle Oct 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Sarah, Jeremy, and their little cupcake Anna Grace
Now for the scary video...Watch if you DARE!!
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The Jeremy-Sarah Story

healthy lifestyle Aug 21, 2013

The Sarah and Jeremy Story


God has blessed me with an amazing woman.  She stretches me to be better.  I love her like crazy!

We have now been married 4 years though both Sarah and I both agree it feels like 10!  But in a good way.  I cannot imagine life with out her and it feels like we are old friends, like I’ve known her when I was a kid.

Here is a quick story of our adventures up to this point:

How we met -

Actually online.  I had joined match.com and put a profile together because I was so busy working I was never in a social situation to meet someone.  I was planning on going on several dates just to see what was out there.  I went on one before Sarah and we had very little in common, and the whole dating thing didn’t seem so fun then.  Sarah saw a commercial and was curious that she went on “just to look”.  She saw a few people she knew that were definitely NOT the type of guy she wants.  She...

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I can’t believe he’s dead…

healthy lifestyle mindset Apr 15, 2013

I can’t believe he’s dead…


I can’t believe he’s dead.


Am I allowed to say dead?  I don’t know the right thing to say.  Passed, deceased, at rest, no longer with us.  All I know is he is one of those.  And that news hit me like a punch to the stomach.  I’m still reeling from it at it’s been almost 12 hours.


100000671 large I cant believe hes dead...

Arlen (Dr.) Snyder

A dear friend and boot camp member is dead.  Arlen Snyder (of our 5:30 pm class), husband of Debbie Snyder (of our 6:30 am class).


He died over the weekend.


I found out when I was just checking in on Debbie as I knew she was out of town.  >


On Apr 15, 2013, at 7:50 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hey Debbie,
>> When do we get you back? How was your training? When does this new job start? So many questions! Hope you are doing well. I look forward to seeing you back in here!

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29 Things I’ve Learned in my 10 Years as a Personal Trainer

29 Things I’ve Learned in my 10 Years as a Personal Trainer


This month marks 10 years that I have been training people.  I have learned, unlearned, and relearned many things it that time.  Research has added a lot to our understanding of how the body works and changed many things.  Plus I’ve grown personally.  I went from working at a club as a trainer and group exercise instructor, to managing the personal training department, to moving back home and starting my own training business.

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Me in my role as new Dad!

Now as a husband and father I’ve grown even more.

It is said that to become an expert at something you need to put in 10,000 hours.

In these 10 years I have gotten my 10,000 hours of training people.  It’s been fun and I’ve come to refine my training philosophy and understanding.

It just turns out I used to be a boob.  I still have more growth and I am excited to take on another 10 years with you!


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